Not Your Typical Women's Empowerment Program

A school for women's empowerment

The School For Real-Life Heroines: Embark on a Life-Changing Journey

Do you ever feel stuck in a rut, unsure of who you are or where you're headed?  You're not alone. Many successful women grapple with self-doubt, imposter syndrome, and the nagging feeling that they're not quite living their best lives.

The School for Real-Life Heroines isn't your typical women's empowerment program. We believe every woman is the heroine of her own story, waiting to embark on an epic adventure of self-discovery and transformation.


A School Founded On Empowering Women

The School for Real-Life Heroines was founded on a simple yet powerful premise: to empower women to rewrite their narratives. We help women shed self-doubt and step into their power, recognizing the incredible heroines they truly are.

Here's the truth—many accomplished women struggle with self-esteem and confidence and feel like imposters in their own success. We've seen it firsthand. These intelligent, capable women haven't yet reached their full potential.

The School for Real-Life Heroines fosters a supportive community where women realize they're not alone in these struggles. We help them see their awesomeness, igniting the confidence and power that lies dormant within.

We invite you to take a step back, re-evaluate your life, and define what you truly desire.  At the School for Real-Life Heroines, we believe women can actively choose their path, focus on their goals, and achieve them with focused intention.


We Even Give You A Roadmap to Transformation

The Heroine's Journey is the guiding principle that underpins our programs. It's a universal framework that reflects the transformational journey we all take in life.

This journey begins with leaving your comfort zone and answering a call to adventure.  It's about embracing challenges, overcoming obstacles, and ultimately evolving into a stronger, more empowered version of yourself. Spoiler alert: the new you comes from putting yourself in unfamiliar situations.

The Heroine's Journey might sound mythical, but its power lies in its universality.  Stories of heroines conquering challenges and achieving self-discovery have resonated across cultures for generations.  This same potential for growth lies within each of us, waiting to be awakened.


How To Use The Heroine’s Journey Map

At The School For Real-Life Heroines, our mission is to be a supportive guide on your Heroine's Journey. Our map serves as a framework, highlighting the common milestones you'll encounter as you venture beyond your comfort zone and into the unknown. When our students can anticipate what to expect in life and how to move forward and face that challenge, we see the true power of the map.

This journey involves transitions and challenges. But remember, it's through these challenges that growth and evolution occur.  You're not alone on this path.  The School for Real-Life Heroines fosters a vibrant community of women, all heroines in their own right, who support and celebrate each other's journeys.


Flexible Learning Options to Suit Your Needs

We understand that every woman's journey is unique.  That's why we offer a variety of programs to fit your learning style and schedule:

  •  Online Course: Explore our most popular online course, including the signature 36-lesson "Your Epic Journey of Transformation." This course is available in several formats: self-paced,  as part of an accountability group, and one-on-one coaching.
  •  Webinars and Challenges: Join us for immersive learning experiences like the 8-week Heroine's Journey webinar or the 7-week Comfort Zone Challenge.
  •  In-Person Events: Attend monthly heroine gatherings, empowering retreats, and practical workshops.
  •  Heroine-Led Programs: Benefit from the expertise of real-life heroines who share their knowledge in programs like "Basic Marketing for Entrepreneurs" or "One-Woman Improv Storytelling."
  •  Coaching: Amplify your transformation with one-on-one coaching sessions or customized retreats. Our certified coaches guide you through our unique "Intuitive Visioning" process.


A World of Possibilities Awaits

The School for Real-Life Heroines is constantly expanding to offer you even more:

  •  New Courses: We're continuously adding courses led by inspiring heroines with valuable knowledge to share.
  •  Train the Trainer Program: Imagine empowering other women on their journeys! Our train-the-trainer program certifies aspiring coaches and teachers to deliver our transformational courses.
  •  A Comprehensive Course Workbook: Would you prefer to learn offline? No problem! Our upcoming Course Workbook will present the 36 lessons of "Your Epic Journey of Transformation" in book form, complete with a companion guide.
  •  Continuing Education Credits: We're working towards offering Continuing Education Units (CEUs) and Continuing Coach Education (CCEs) for applicable programs.


Ready to Start Your Epic Journey? I thought so. Come, join us.

Learn More About The School For Real-Life Heroines


Equipping women with the tools to navigate their way. Take our DIY course, join an accountability group, or attend a webinar. Let us illuminate your path to purpose and ignite your journey to a fulfilling life.


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